We visit Liphook

On an extremely hot Saturday, 4th August, Merrow travelled to Liphook to play a return match of four triples. As ever, we received a warm welcome from Liphook, and is often the case, met up with some fellow Wey Valley bowlers. During the match we were blessed with a light breeze which helped to keep us a little cooler, but the temperature was quite testing and any shade was greatly appreciated!

Liphook’s green proved to be very fast with lots of movement, so much so that it was almost like an indoor rink. After a good start, Merrow were holding their own. However, the break for tea at nine ends seemed to take away some of our impetus and we ended the day losing by 56-71 points. It wasn’t all bad news though. Although not managing a win, Judy, Debbie and Colin came back strongly to post a very respectable score. Our only victors on the day were Mark, Ken and David E, with an eight point victory; well done! As a club, we gave a good account of ourselves and our results will reflect that. To put that in context, we beat Liphook handsomely when they came to Merrow, so we can hold our heads high.

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